Frosty Days

Trees adorned with winter leaves.

Winter. A time to reflect on the previous seasons of summer and autumn, and pray you make it to the coming spring! With temperatures below the threshold of human existence for days on end paired with late rising of the sun and early setting to darkness, winter blues is definitely an issue.

Despite its beauty, with the clean white covering and the magical sparkle in the snow, winter is tough to get through. Especially in the northern climates; and the inescapable openness of the prairies. When that north wind blows, and burns your skin where it touches, it’s hard to remember why we live where the very air we breathe freezes our lungs and hurts our faces. It has to do with human resilience. Never let it be said that humans are weak. We face winter with hardy resistance, and sometimes embrace its harshness, knowing that one day the sun will rise earlier, carrying with it the warmth to melt the snow and warm the heart. We sometimes lose sight of the wonders of warmth when all around is warmth. Warmth in the dead of winter is something to cherish, to renew the spirit, to share with fellow humans. Can anything beat a mug of hot chocolate on a chilly winter’s morn?

There lies the truth of things. Summer’s heat never feels quite as good without the memory of winter’s icy grip. The closeness we feel in the winter, sharing body heat, is missed in the sweltering heat of a summer’s night. It is through experiencing the yin and the yang of life that we truly appreciate the subtle nuances in their splender.

So how is it with you? Are you a winter person or a summer fan? Or do you like them equally? Let me know in the comments. And enjoy the day for what it is!

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