Life. Now In Technicolor!

Life. Never black and white. Shades of grey, from shadow to sunlight. Paint. Carefully chosen colors to bring forth a clearer picture of what we can see. But is what we see really even there?
Stroke after stroke, brush dancing across the canvas of our experience. Mixing blue and red and yellow together in combination to express the littlest of details, ever changing from the sun’s drift across the sky. Are we making the colors or merely acknowledging them? Dip. Brush. Glide. Too dark? Add some white. To light? Temper with some black. A blur of motion as the picture comes into focus. Is it ultra-realism? Impressionist? Surrealist? Maybe some of all three. Depends on the mood. That blue is too blue, should have more yellow. Can perfection be achieved? Is it beautiful to one but gawdy self expression to someone else? Who is painting my life? Oil or water based? Seems blotchy upclose. Undefined. Move further away. Coming together. Is that what I believe? Who am I to judge something I didn’t paint? Am I just trying my best to capture the genius around me?
We all start in black and white. Color is added as we learn what it is. Was it red before we knew the word? Or has it become red as we have been told to see it? Why can’t we go back to just two colors? Now that the paint is on the palette can we put it away? Too much color inflares the senses. Makes people behave unorthodoxically. So many shades of so many colors, how can we keep control?
Splash the canvas with black! Kill the color. Thank me later. Now get back to work!